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ARL Institutes

ARL Institutes logo.ARL Institutes are designed to meet the needs of member representatives, senior leaders, and the broader community for a concentrated period on timely topics.
The ARL President’s Institute explores content driven by the Association president. The institute rotates among the geographic regions of the Association to provide greater opportunities for participation by member institutions and others in our field without requiring extensive travel. The President’s Institute is the evolution of the event previously known as the Fall Forum. This interactive institute will convene a broad community of individuals, general executives, senior leaders, and subject-matter experts on top-of-mind issues facing research libraries. Each year, the Julia C. Blixrud Scholarship recipient will attend the President’s Institute and issue a formal report.

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2024 President’s Institute (link opens in new tab)

  • Topic: Embracing Sustainability—Libraries Leading the Way
  • Date: February 8, 2024
  • Location: San Diego, CA, USA
  • Sponsor: Elsevier, OCLC, and ITHAKA

ARL DEI Institute logo.The ARL Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Institute aims to increase the capacity of participants to effect positive change with and within their respective communities through the acquisition and application of specific knowledge, awareness, and skills related to DEI, organizational development, and leadership. This work is currently made possible through the generous support of an IMLS Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program implementation grant (RE-254925-OLS-23).The ARL Executive Institute is designed to provide a confidential and interactive learning opportunity for ARL member representatives.

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2023 ARL Executive Institute (link opens in new tab)

  • Topic: Research Libraries Navigating Challenges to Free Expression, Academic Freedom, and Inclusion
  • Date: October 19, 2023
  • Location: Washington, DC, USA
  • Sponsors: Lumina Foundation, Knight Foundation
